Heaven Beneath Earth

The ocean is a world of its own, a vast and sparkling universe of water, alive with a million wonders. It’s the beautiful array of animals and coral lining the ocean floor, reminding you of eternal beauty.

Wonder to Virtual Aquarium

Fishes:The Little ones..


Our Missions for Ocean Conservation

Voice against the plastic dumps going to oceans

Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter our ocean and threaten the lives of marine animals. Birds, dolphins, whales, and turtles become entangled in plastic and die from suffocation, starvation, or drowning. If consumed, tiny particles of plastic can cause fatal health issues for marine animals.

Say no to run-off

All water eventually finds its way to the ocean. Unfortunately, contaminated water can carry harmful chemicals that kill marine life and produce dangerous algae blooms.

Be a responsible traveler

Travelling is a great way to see new places and appreciate the beauty of coastal ecosystems. While doing so, remember to be aware of your impact on the environment and make sustainable decisions.

To become a responsible traveler,

  • 1.Respect marine animals and their wild spaces
  • 2.Make sure not to make dump on the beach you visit, preferably carry your own dustbins

Tell us what are your missions for ocean conservation &
get chance to join us!